Mar 8, 2013

The Making of a TV Series - Part 2

I just confirmed my first guest. And, a date has been set to film. Things are moving along quickly. Today I spent time writing my opening and my script for the first show. Without giving too much away, I had a few ideas I jotted down earlier, so today I wrote up my notes and edited them down to the point where it will feel more natural when reading it from a teleprompter.  Next I timed it to see how long it will take and I'm feeling like it's a bit short. I will need to review all of this with the production team and be sure it all works and makes sense.

As the filming date gets closer and more and more details are filled in, I find myself getting excited. But I'm also realizing how much work this has become and will continue to be as I move forward. Regardless, I'm enjoying the process and am learning lots each day.

My next step is to meet with my first guest and review my notes with her. I want to let her know my vision for the first show and what her role will be. I tend to work best when I have material in writing in front of me to refer to so I do have a written script of the first show to go over with her.

More about my meeting with my first guest to come. Stay tuned...

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