Oct 6, 2009

Marketing and Non-Profits

Non-profits have unique challenges when it comes to marketing. There are a variety of constituent groups who need special communications, there are budgetary constraints, there are limited resources and there are many, many other factors that make marketing one of the more difficult disciplines for non-profits to perform successfully.

The most important thing to remember is you don't have to do it alone. There are many affordable resources out there to help. To begin, get organized. Think about what questions you might need answered, what goals do you have for your organization, what projects would you like to tackle first. Then ask! Find a marketing specialist who understands your unique challenges and start the dialogue. Not all marketing agencies or consultants understand the intricate world of non-profits.

AMW Marketing is a marketing and communication firm specializing in working with non-profits. To learn more visit www.amw-marketing.com or call 781-241-2083.

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